Benjamin Klasche
Lecturer of Political Science and International Studies (School of Governance, Law and Society)
Tallinn University
Research Interests: international relations and social theory, political methodology, relationalism, critical theories
Birgit Poopuu
Associate Professor of International Relations and Head of the International Relations and Futures Studies (School of Governance, Law and Society)
Tallinn University
Research Interests: role of radical and nonviolent knowledge and experience within international politics, feminist and decolonial approaches to peace and conflict studies, Syrian revolution through the eyes of Syrian activists
Christopher Powell
Associate Professor of Sociology
Co-creator and Co-leader of the ISRR
Toronto Metropolitan University
Research Interests: complex systems theory, relational sociology, social transformation, sociological theory, genocide studies
Jenna Woodrow
Associate Teaching Professor of Philosophy (Department of Philosophy, History, and Politics)
Thompson Rivers University
Research Interests: evolution of norms and normative judgments, relationships between agents and their environment, epistemology, epistemic justice, feminist and Indigenous epistemologies, philosophy of mind, embodiment, oppression and agency, philosophy of language, meta-ethics: the problem of moral luck, the problem of freewill and determinism, Kant, logic
Joonatan Nõgisto
PhD Candidate and Junior Researcher (School of Governance, Law and Society)
Tallinn University
Research Interests: relational social ontology, philosophy of social science, mechanistic explanation, relational egalitarianism, wicked problems.
Kevin Naimi
Assistant Professor in Foundations and Practices in Education (Faculty of Education and Science)
Laval University
Research Interests: sociology of education, inequality and equity in education, educational philosophy, sociology of creativity and social reproduction, sociology of childhood and youth
Melody Devries
Assistant Professor of Digital Media & Ethnography (Communication, Media, and, Performance)
Allegheny College
Research Interests: digital ethnography, social processes and material relations, far right and conspirational worldviews, political ontologies, history, queer and feminist theory, critical theory, de-colonial and anti-racist literature
Mónica J. Sánchez-Flores
Associate Professor of Sociology (Department of Environment, Culture and Society)
Co-creator and Co-leader of the ISRR
Thompson Rivers University
Research Interests: social and political theory, radical relational theory and ethics, globalization and transnational governance, equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI), processes of racialization and racial healing.
Rebecca Buys
Deakin University (Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation)
Research Interests: critical relationism, intimate partner violence, practices of care, social change, forms of violence
Serena A. Girard
PhD Student and Teaching Assistant (School of Criminology)
Simon Fraser University
Research Interests: intimate partner violence and animal abuse, plant-based foods, social justice, non-anthropocentrism, relationism, mixed methods, sociology, criminology
Víctor Jiménez Rivera
PhD Candidate and Junior Research Fellow in International Relations (School of Governance, Law and Society)
Tallinn University
Research Interests: European integration in the Western Balkans, radical relationalism, state capture
Wasiq Silan
Assistant Professor (Department of Indigenous Affairs and Ethno-Development)
National Dong Hwa University
Affiliated Researcher (University of Helsinki)
Research Interests: political science, Indigenous peoples, long-term care, comparative politics, self-determination, decolonization, social rights, cultural rights, sociology, anthropology, knowledge, Indigenous politics, critical ethnography, power, health, care, social work, community building, Indigenous sovereignty, Indigenous social work, trauma and healing
Zoltán Lakatos
Assistant Professor (Department of Sociology and Communication)
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Research Interests: social values, sociology of economic development, political economy of the media, elite ideologies, symbolic violence