More resources directly related to radical relationism coming soon! Most of the resources below are general relationism resources.
Relationism in General
- Centre de recherche sur less liens sociaux (CERLIS)
- Norbert Elias Foundation
- Relational Center
- Relational Research
- Relational Sociology – Canadian Sociological Association (CSA) Research Cluster
- Relational Sociology Wikipedia
- Relational Studies Hub (RS Hub)
- Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction (SSSI)
Journals and Series
Relationism in General
- Digithum (N. Cantó-Milà (editor in chief), F. Dépelteau (in memoriam, former editor)
- Palgrave Studies in Relational Sociology (N. Crossley & P. Seelg (book series editors), F. Dépelteau (in memoriam, founder))
Radical Relationism
- Marchesi, A. (2021). A Radical Relationist Solution to the Problem of Intentional Inexistence. Synthese, 3–4, 7509–7534.
- Powell, C. (2013). Radical relationism: A proposal. In C. Powell & F. Dépelteau (Eds.), Conceptualizing relational sociology (pp. 187–208). Palgrave Macmillan.
Relationism in General
- Klasche, B. and Poopuu, B. (2023). What relations matter? International Studies Quarterly, 67(1), 1-9.
- Mhlambi, S., & Tiribelli, S. (2023). Decolonizing AI Ethics: Relational Autonomy as a Means to Counter AI Harms. Topoi, 42, 867–880.
- Morgner, C. (Ed.). (2023). John Dewey and the notion of “trans-action”: A sociological reply on rethinking relations and social processes. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Selg, P., Klasche, B., & Nõgisto, J. (2022). Wicked problems and sociology: Building a missing bridge through processual relationalism. International Review of Sociology, 1–26.
- Buys, R., & Marotta, V. (2021). Relational theories of encounters and the relational subject. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 42(1), 99–113.
- Nolet, A. M., Morselli, C., & Cousineau, M. M. (2021). The Social Network of Victims of Domestic Violence: A Network-Based Intervention Model to Improve Relational Autonomy. Violence Against Women, 27(10), 1630–1654.
- Selg, P. (2021). A sociological imagination for a clumsy world: François Dépelteau’s relational sociology. Digithum, 26, 1–13.
- Witte, D., & Schmitz, A. (2021). Relational sociology on a global scale: Field-theoretical perspectives on cross-cultural comparison and the re-figuration of space(s). Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 22(3).
- Yu, L. (2021). Relational Autonomy: Where Confucius and Mencius Stand on Freedom. Asian Philosophy, 31(3), 320–335.
- Eacott, S. (2020). François Dépelteau and the generation of a relational intellectual community. Digithum,2020(26), 1–11.
- Fuhse, J. A. (2020). Relational sociology of the scientific field: Communication, identities, and field relations. Digithum, 26, 1–14.
- Sánchez-Flores, M. J. (2020). Human language as trans-actional autopoiesis. In C. Morgner (Ed.), John Dewey and the Notion of Trans-action: A John Dewey and the notion of “trans-action”: A sociological reply on rethinking relations and social processes (pp. 253–264). Palgrave Macmillan.
- Selg, P. (2020). Causation is not everything: On constitution and trans-actional view of social science methodology (pp. 31-53). In C. Morgner (Ed.), John Dewey and the notion of ‘trans-action’: A sociological reply on rethinking relations and social processes. Palgrave.
- Selg, P. (2020), Reassembling the political: from mechanical to deep relational thinking about power. A. Kannike; V. Lang; K. Kuutma; K. Lindström; A. Riistan (ed). Approaches to Culture Theory VII. Tartu: Tartu University Press.
- Selg, P. (Ed.) (2020). Special Issue: The work of Francois Dépelteau. Digithum, 26, 5-99. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya and Universidad de Antioquia.
- Selg, P., & Ventsel, A. (2020). Introducing relational political analysis: Political semiotics as a theory and method. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Armstrong, A., Green, K., & Sangiacomo, A. (2019). Spinoza and Relational Autonomy: Being with Others. Edinburgh University Press.
- Hall, M. I. (2019). Relational Autonomy, Vulnerability Theory, Older Adults and the Law: Making it Real. Elder Law Review, 12(1), i–xxii.
- Dépelteau, F. (2018). From the concept of ‘trans-action’ to a process-relational sociology. In F. Dépelteau (Ed.), The Palgrave handbook of relational sociology (pp. 499–519). Palgrave Macmillan.
- Donati, P. (2018). An original relational sociology grounded in critical realism. In F. Dépelteau (Ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of Relational Sociology (pp. 431–456). Springer Nature.
- Go, J. (2018). Relational sociology and postcolonial theory: Sketches of a “postcolonial relationism.” In F. Dépelteau (Ed.), The Palgrave handbook of relational sociology (pp. 357–373). Palgrave Macmillan.
- Guy, J. (2018). “Niklas Luhmann before relational sociology: The cybernetics roots of systems theory”. Systems Research & Behavioral Science, 35(6), 856–868.
- Selg, P. (2018). Power and relational sociology. In F. Dépelteau (ed.) The Palgrave handbook of relational sociology (pp. 539-557). Palgrave Macmillan.
- Gauthier-Chung, M. F. (2017). Relational Autonomy from a Political Perspective [University of London].
- Herring, J. (2014). Relational autonomy and family law. Springer.
- Pratt, S. F. (2017), A Relational View of Ontological Security in International Relations. Forthcoming in International Studies Quarterly.
- Ashcroft, J.; R. Childs; A. Myers; M. Schluter, (2016), The Relational Lens: Measuring and Managing Stakeholder Relations. Forthcoming in Cambridge University Press. [link to Cambridge University Press]
- Burkitt, I (2016), Relational agency: Relational sociology, agency and interaction. European Journal of Social Theory, 19 (3): 322-339. [link to the University of Bradford Institutional Repository]
- Donati, P. (2016). The ‘Relational Subject’ According to a Critical Realist Relational Sociology. Journal of Critical Realism, 15 (4): 352-375. [link to ResearchGate]
- Liu, S. & Emirbayer, M. (2016). Field and Ecology. Sociological Theory 34 (1): 62-79. [link to]
- Pratt, S. F. (2016). Pragmatism as Ontology, Not (Just) Epistemology: Exploring the Full Horizon of Pragmatism as an Approach to IR Theory. International Studies Review [link to]
- Selg, P. (2016). ‘The fable of the Bs’: between substantialism and deep relational thinking about power. Journal of Political Power, 9 (2): 183-205. DOI: 10.1080/2158379X.2016.1191163 [link to ResearchGate]
- Selg, P. (2016) ‘Two Faces of the “Relational Turn”’, PS: Political Science & Politics, 49(1), pp. 27–31. doi: 10.1017/S1049096515001195 [link to ResearchGate]
- Crossley, N. (2015) Networks of Sound, Style and Subversion. The Punk and Post-Punk Worlds of Manchester, London, Liverpool and Sheffield, 1975-80. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press.
- Crossley, N. (2015). Relational sociology and culture: a preliminary framework. International Review of Sociology, 25(1), 65-85.
- Dépelteau, F. (2015). Relational sociology, pragmatism, transactions and social fields. International Review of Sociology, 25(1), 45-64.
- Donati, P. (2015). Manifesto for a critical realist relational sociology.International Review of Sociology, 25(1), 86-109.
- Donati, P. and M. Archer (2015) The Relational Subject. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Fuhse, J. A. (2015). Theorizing social networks: the relational sociology of and around Harrison White. International Review of Sociology, 25(1), 15-44.
- Prandini, R. (2015). Relational sociology: a well-defined sociological paradigm or a challenging ‘relational turn’in sociology?. International Review of Sociology, 25(1), 1-14.
- Pyyhtinen, O. (2015) More-than-Human Sociology: A New Sociological Imagination Palgrave Macmillan.
- Roseneil, S. and Ketokivi, K. (2015) “Relational Persons and Relational Processes: Developing the Notion of Relationality for the Sociology of Personal Life”, Sociology, pp. 1-17.
- Selg, P (2015). Mis on relatsiooniline võimukäsitlus? [“What is relational approach to power?”] Acta Politica Estica 6, 67-92. [Link to article]
- Tsekeris, Charalambos (2015) Revisiting the Self: Social Science Perspectives. London & New York: Routledge.
- Archer, M. (2014) Late Modernity: Trajectories towards Morphogenetic Society. Springer.
- Burkitt, I. (2014) Emotions and Social Relations. Sage Publications.
- Crossley, N. and al (Ed. by) (2014) Social Networks and Music Worlds. London: Routledge.
- Dépelteau, F. and Hervouet, R. (2014) The Metamorphoses of the Dacha: Some Processual Thinking, in Savoia Landini, T. and Dépelteau, F. (Ed. by) Norbert Elias & Empirical Research. New York: Palgrave Macmillan: 179-196.
- Donati, P. (2014) e-Study Guide for Relational Sociology: A New Paradigm for the Social Sciences. Cram 101.
- Gabriel, N. (2014) Growing Up Beside You: A Relational Sociology of Early Childhood. History of the Human Sciences,27(3): 116-135.
- Hernes, T. (2014) A Process Theory of Organization. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Jancsics, David (2014) Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Corruption. Sociology Compass,8(4): 358-372.
- Mahhafy, S. (2014) Relational Presence. Scholar’s Press.
- Marques, E., Bichir, R. M. and Moya (2014), M. Notas sobre el análisis de redes sociales en Brasil. Redes(Barcelona). , v.25: 85-93.
- Miura, Kokichiro (2014) Walking on the Edge: Towards a Sociography of Discrimination against the Buraku: Lectures on Discrimination in Letter Format. International Journal of Japanese Sociology,23(1): 46-62.
- Peters, Gabriel (2014) Explanation, understanding and determinism in Pierre Bourdieu’s sociology. History of the Human Sciences,27(1), February: 124-149.
- Piiroinen, Tero (2014) For “Central Conflation”: A Critique of Archerian Dualism. Sociological Theory. 32(2): 79–99.
- Veenstra, Gerry and Patrick John Burnett. (2014). A Relational Approach to Health Practices: Towards Transcending the Agency-Structure Divide. Sociology of Health & Illness,36(2): 187-198.
- Archer, M. (2013) Collective reflexivity: A Relational Case for It, in Powell, C. and Dépelteau, F. (Ed. by) Conceptualizing Relational Sociology: Ontological and theoretical Issues. New York: Palgrave Macmillan: 145-162.
- Block, F. (2013) Relational Work and the Law: Recapturing the Legal Realist Critique of Market Fundamentalism. Journal of Law and Society, 40(1), Towards an Economic Sociology of Law: 27-48.
- Cooney, M. and Phillips, S. (2013) With God on One’s Side: The Social Geometry of Death Row Apologies. Sociological Forum, 28(1): 159-178.
- Crossley, N. (2013) Interactions, Justapositions, and Tastes: Conceptualizing Relations in Relational Sociology, in Powell, C. and Dépelteau, F. (Ed. by) Conceptualizing Relational Sociology: Ontological and theoretical Issues. New York: Palgrave Macmillan: 123-144.
- Dépelteau, F. (2013) Comparing Elias and Bourdieu as Relational Thinkers, in Dépelteau, F. and Savoia Landini, T. (Ed. by) Norbert Elias & Social Theory. New York: Palgrave Macmillan: 275-296.
- Dépelteau, F. (2013) What is the Direction of the Relational Turn?, in Powell, C. and Dépelteau, F. (Ed. by) Conceptualizing Relational Sociology: Ontological and theoretical Issues. New York: Palgrave Macmillan: 163-186.
- Dépelteau, F. and C. Powell (Ed. by) (2013) Applying Relational Sociology: Relations, Networks, & Society. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Donati, P. (2013) Relational Sociology and the Globalized Society, in Dépelteau, F. and C. Powell (Ed. by) (2013) Applying Relational Sociology: Relations, Networks, & Society. New York: Palgrave Macmillan: 1-24.
- Donati, P. (2013) Social Engagement: The viewpoint of relational sociology. International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology, 5(4): 84-99.
- Dunning, E. and Hughes, J. (2013) Norbert Elias and Modern Sociology: Knowledge, Interdependence, Power, Process. Bloomsbury Academic.
- Emirbayer, M. (2013) Relational Sociology as Fighting Words, in Powell, C. and Dépelteau, F. (Ed. by) Conceptualizing Relational Sociology: Ontological and theoretical Issues. New York: Palgrave Macmillan: 209-212.
- Erikson, E. (2013) Formalist and Relationist Theory in Social Network Analysis. Sociological Theory 31(3): 219-242.
- Fish, K. (2013) Relational Sociology and Historical Materialism: Three Conversation Starters, in Powell, C. and Dépelteau, F. (Ed. by) Conceptualizing Relational Sociology: Ontological and theoretical Issues. New York: Palgrave Macmillan: 27-44.
- Fontdevilla, J. and White, H. (2013) Relational Power from Switching across Netdoms through Reflexive and Indexical Language, in Dépelteau, F. and C. Powell (Ed. by) (2013) Applying Relational Sociology: Relations, Networks, & Society. New York: Palgrave Macmillan: 155-180.
- Friedman, M. (2013). Relational Autonomy and Individuality. University of Toronto Law Journal, 63(2), 327–341.
- Fuhse, J. (2013) Social Relationships between Communication, Network, Structure, and Culture, in Dépelteau, F. and C. Powell (Ed. by) (2013) Applying Relational Sociology: Relations, Networks, & Society. New York: Palgrave Macmillan: 181-206.
- Gertz, A. (2013) Figurational Sociology and methododological Relationism. Kolner Zeitschrift fur Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie65(2): 193-222.
- Glasdam, S. and al. (2013) Client Involvement in Home Care Practice: a Relational Sociological Perspective. Nursing Inquiry, 20(4): 329-340.
- Go, Julian (2013) For a Postcolonial Sociology. Theory and Society, 42(1): 25-55.
- Goswami, M. (2013) Provincializing Sociology: The Case of a Premature Postcolonial Sociologist. Political Power and Social Theory(24): 145-175.
- Hall, P. and Lamont, M. (2013) Why Social Relations Matter for Politics and Successful Societies. Annual Review of Political Science.(16): 49-71.
- Jeongsik, J.L. (2013) Dancing with the Enemy? Relational Hazards and the Contingent Value of Repeat Exchanges in M&A Markets. Organization Science, 24(4): 1237-1256.
- Kasper, D. (2013) Advancing Sociology through a Focus on Dynamic Relations, in Powell, C. and Dépelteau, F. (Ed. by) Conceptualizing Relational Sociology: Ontological and theoretical Issues. New York: Palgrave Macmillan: 67-86.
- Kasperson, L.B. and Gabriel, N. (2013) Survival Units as the Point of Departure for a Relational Sociology, in Dépelteau, F. and C. Powell (Ed. by) (2013) Applying Relational Sociology: Relations, Networks, & Society. New York: Palgrave Macmillan: 51-82.
- Kivinen, O. and Piiroinen, T. (2013) Human Transaction Mechanisms in Evolutionary Niches – A methodological Relationist Standpoint, in Dépelteau, F. and C. Powell (Ed. by) (2013) Applying Relational Sociology: Relations, Networks, & Society. New York: Palgrave Macmillan: 83-100.
- Laux, Henning (2013) Richard Rorty and the Resuscitation of Pragmatism in the ‘Age of the Composition. Berliner Journal fur Soziologie,23(3-4): 389-415.
- Malinick, T.E., Tindall, D.B., and Diani, M. (2013) Network Centrality and Social Movement Media Coverage: A Two-Mode Network Analytic Approach. Social Networks35(2): 148-158.
- McFarlane, C. (2013) Relational Sociology, Theoretical Inhumanism, and the Problem of the Nonhuman, in Powell, C. and Dépelteau, F. (Ed. by) Conceptualizing Relational Sociology: Ontological and theoretical Issues. New York: Palgrave Macmillan: 45-66.
- McNamee, S. and Hosking, D.M. (2013) Research and Social Change: A Relational Constructionist Approach. Routledge.
- Mohr, J. (2013) Bourdieu’s Relational Method in Theory and in Practice: from Fields and Capitals to Networks and Institutions (and Back Again), in Dépelteau, F. and C. Powell (Ed. by) (2013) Applying Relational Sociology: Relations, Networks, & Society. New York: Palgrave Macmillan: 101-136.
- Monterescu, D. (2013) Spatial Relationality and the Fallacies of Methodological Nationalism: Theorizing Urban Space and Binational Sociality in Jewish-Arab Mixed Towns, in Dépelteau, F. and C. Powell (Ed. by) (2013) Applying Relational Sociology: Relations, Networks, & Society. New York: Palgrave Macmillan: 25-50.
- Pierides, D. and Woodman, D. (2013) Object-oriented sociology and organizing in the face of emergency: Bruno Latour, Graham Harman and the material turn. The British Journal of Sociology, 63(4): 662-679.
- Powell, C. and Dépelteau, F. (Ed. by) (2013) Conceptualizing Relational Sociology: Ontological and Theoretical Issues. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Price, H. (2013) Connecting Network Methods to Social Science research: how to Parsimoniously Use Dyadic Measures as Independent Variables, in Dépelteau, F. and C. Powell (Ed. by) (2013) Applying Relational Sociology: Relations, Networks, & Society. New York: Palgrave Macmillan: 207-226.
- Redshaw, S. (2013) Feminist Preludes to Relational Sociology, in Powell, C. and Dépelteau, F. (Ed. by) Conceptualizing Relational Sociology: Ontological and theoretical Issues. New York: Palgrave Macmillan: 13-26.
- Reed, I.A. (2013) Power: Relational, Discursive, and Performative Dimensions. Sociological Theory31(3): 193-218.
- Silva, Filipe Carreira da (2013) Outline of a Social Theory of Rights: A Neo-Pragmatist Approach. European Journal of Social Theory16(4): 457-475.
- Thorpe, C. (2013) Critical Strategies for Implementing a Relational Sociology Paradigm: Elias, Bourdieu, and Uncivilized Sociological Theoretical Struggles, in Powell, C. and Dépelteau, F. (Ed. by) Conceptualizing Relational Sociology: Ontological and theoretical Issues. New York: Palgrave Macmillan: 105-122.
- Tsekeris, C. (2013) Norbert Elias on Relations: Insights and Perspectives, in Powell, C. and Dépelteau, F. (Ed. by) Conceptualizing Relational Sociology: Ontological and theoretical Issues. New York: Palgrave Macmillan: 87-104.
- Wacquant, L. (2013) Symbolic Power and Group-Making: On Pierre Bourdieu’s reframing of Class. Journalof Classical Sociology13(2): 274-291.
- White, H., Godart, F. and Thiemann, M. (2013) Turning Points and the Space of Possibles: A Relational Perspective on the Different Forms of Uncertainty, in Dépelteau, F. and C. Powell (Ed. by) (2013) Applying Relational Sociology: Relations, Networks, & Society. New York: Palgrave Macmillan: 137-154.
- Atkinson, W. (2012) Where Now for Bourdieu-Inspired Sociology? Sociology, 46(1): 167-173.
- Bandlj, N. (2012) Relational Work and Economic Sociology. Politics and Society, 40(2): 175-201.
- Cousin, B. and Chauvin, S. (2012) The Symbolic Economy of Social Capital. Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales 193: 96-103.
- D’Alessandro, S. (2012) Sociology and the Twenty-First Century: Breaking the Deadlock and Going Beyond the Postmodern Meta-Reflection Through the Relational Paradigm. World Futures, 68(4-5): 258-272.
- Di Nicola, P. (2012) The Theoretical Approaches of the Study of Personal Networks. Sociologia e Politiche Sociali, 15(2): 9-26.
- Elder-Vass, D. (2012) The Reality of Social Construction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Fuhse, J. (2012) Embedding the Stranger: Ethnic Categories and Cultural Differences in Social Networks. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 33(6): 639-655.
- Jaspal, R. and Cinnirella, M. (2012) The Construction of Ethnic Identity: insights from Identity Process Theory. Ethnicities, 12(5): 503-530.
- Lee, M. and Silver, D. (2012) Simmel’s law of the Individual and the Ethics of the relational Self. Theory,Culture & Society, 29(7-8): 124-145.
- Li, L., Chen, J. and Qin, G. (2012) Class Analysis in Contemporary Sociology: Theoretical Perspectives and Analytical Paradigms. Shehui/Society: Chinese Journal of Sociology, 32(5): 25-46.
- Liam, C.-M. (2012) The Disablement and Enablement of Childhood. International Studies in Sociology of Education, 22(2): 147-167.
- Marques, E. (2012) Social Networks, Segregation and Poverty in Sao Paulo. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 36(5): 958-979.
- McCurdy, P. (2012) Social Movements, Protest and Mainstream Media. Sociology Compass, 6(3): 244-255.
- Mucha, J. (2012) Toward an Interactionist Sociology of Ethnic Relations. Polish Sociological Review, 1: 19-37.
- Schutzeichel, R. (2012) Ties, Stories and Events: Arguments for a Process-related Network Theory. Berliner Journal fur Soziologie, 23(3): 341-357.
- Silver, D. and Lee, M. (2012) Self-Relations in Social Relations. Sociological Theory, 30(4): 207-237.
- Spencer D., Walby, K. and Hunt, A. (Eds.) (2012) Emotions Matter: A Relational Approach to Emotions. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
- Tindall, D.B., Cormier, J. and Diani, M. (2013) Network Social Capital as an Outcome of Social Movement Mobilization: Using the Position Generator as an Indicator of Social Network Diversity. Social Networks, 34(4): 387-395.
- Tsekeris, C. (2012) Advances in Reflexive Sociology: Theory, Agency and Dialogical Inquiry. Italian Sociological Review, 2(2): 66-75.
- Van Eijk, G. (2012) Class Differences in Dutch Society: Perceptions, Denial and Morality. Sociologie, 7(3): 248-269.
- Whitford, J. (2012) Waltzing, relational Work, and the Construction (or Not) of Collaboration in Manufacturing Industries. Politics and Society, 40(2): 249-272.
- Zelizer, V.A. (2012) How I Became a Relational Economic Sociologist and What Does That Mean? Politics & Society, 40(2): 145-174.
- Crossley, N. (2010). Towards relational sociology. Taylor & Francis Group.
- Donati, P. (2010). Relational sociology: A new paradigm for the social sciences. Taylor & Francis Group.
- Christman, J. (2003). Relational Autonomy, Liberal Individualism, and the Social Constitution of Selves. Philosophical Studies: An International Journal for Philosophy in the Analytic Tradition, 117(1/2), 143–164.
- Mackenzie, C., & Stoljar, N. (Eds.). (2000). Relational Autonomy: Feminist Perspectives on Autonomy, Agency, and the Social Self. Oxford University Press.
- Emirbayer, M. (1997). “Manifesto for a Relational Sociology.” The American Journal of Sociology 103 (2): 281-317.
- Elias, N. (1978). What is Sociology? Columbia University Press.
- Ollman, B. 1976. Alienation: Marx’s conception of man in capitalist society. Second ed. Cambridge University Press.